"God's fingerprints are everywhere!" This was our focus for the 2010 Kid's Camp as we gathered together to learn about how God is everywhere in our lives. We spent five weeks learning about how God is in our selves, our friends and family, our neighbors, our community, and in creation. We had almost 80 children registered and an average attendance of 58 children.
This summer we were able to hire 10 staff members through grants from Alternatives Inc. and Family Matters. These staff brought stability to the program by providing staff members who were able to work all five weeks of Kid's Camp. Thank you to our staff!
This camp would not be possible without the help of volunteers. We would like to thank the groups from First UMC in Downers Grove, Church of the Resurrection in Leland, KS, Littleton UMC from Littleton, CO, Oxford-University UMC from Oxford, MS, and groups from D.O.O.R. Chicago who volunteered throughout Kid's Camp to give extra hands. Thank you to Jon, Julia, and Joe who taught dance and music. A special thanks goes out to the people from United Church of Rogers Park who helped out; thanks to Stuart Salvatierra, Carol Corey, Eileen Martin, Carol Gloor, and Pat Williams.